『Your story - Two heads -』
Price (tax incl.): S:¥66,000 M:¥99,000 L:¥132,000 XL:¥165,000
Generally, photography is a medium that allows to communicate a subject appearing in the image for a certain purpose. From there, I decided to explore other ways of expression, different from such fundamental function, that photography carries. This project aims to let the audience recollect their own emotions as "Your story" through the subjects wearing 3D glasses in portrait/documentary/set up photographs, thus, diluting the subjects' identity along with the strengthened feeling that the audience is reciprocally observed.
Generally, photography is a medium that allows to communicate a subject appearing in the image for a certain purpose. From there, I decided to explore other ways of expression, different from such fundamental function, that photography carries. This project aims to let the audience recollect their own emotions as "Your story" through the subjects wearing 3D glasses in portrait/documentary/set up photographs, thus, diluting the subjects' identity along with the strengthened feeling that the audience is reciprocally observed.
- Size : S: 380×280 / M: 635×480 / L: 800×600 / XL: 1000x750mm
- Year Created : 2013-2017
- Edition : ed.5+AP2 / ed.5+AP2 / ed.3+AP2 / ed.3+AP2