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PRINTS > Snake




For Aleix Plademunt, Almost There is akin to observing his own blood in a microscope. "The cells that I saw actually exist inside me, but they cannot be touched or seen by the naked eye. Similarly, when we look at stars through a telescope, they seem to be in front of our eyes but we can never reach them because there is a distance of tens of thousands of light years. This frustration was the intial motivation to start the project, "says the photographer. This is perhaps why we sense an indescribable emptiness or forlornness when faced with the compositions and spaces in his works. Almost There is enjoying an unusually high demand for a Spanish contemporary photographer's book. Plademunt has been driven not by his curiosity, but by the "vague malaise that is triggered when something doesn't feel quite right". He continues the endless pursuit, confronting the relationship between men and space.
  • Size : S)800×1000, M) 1200×1500mm
  • Year Created : 2013
  • Edition : 6
  • Print Size : S)800×1000, M) 1200×1500mm
  • Frame Size : S)800×1000, M) 1200×1500mm